The Impact of Regulations on Cigar Smoking Among Young Black Adults

Cigar smoking has been a popular pastime for many people, especially young black adults, for many years. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a shift in the way cigars are consumed and regulated. This article will explore the changes in regulations and their impact on cigar smoking among young black adults. Before the pandemic, most people who smoked large cigars reported that they had reduced the frequency or number of cigars they smoked. This decrease in cigar smoking was likely due to local tobacco regulations, such as increasing the minimum price of cigarettes, restrictions on price promotions, and reducing the density of tobacco retailers.

These regulations were put in place to minimize the influence of marketing and reduce disparities caused by smoking among black communities. The pandemic has also caused changes in cigar smoking habits. People are now smoking 24 hours a day, smoking in and around the house, and smoking a whole cigar in one place. These changes can lead to an increase in nicotine consumption and exposure to chemicals and carcinogens among smokers and those who live with them. A study conducted to understand the change in smoking patterns and motivations to quit smoking during the COVID-19 pandemic among young black adults who smoke cigars found that while most people perceived a greater risk due to smoking, none stated that they would stop smoking cigars or reduce their consumption in general. The study also found that perceiving greater risks related to COVID-19 due to smoking does not increase the motivation to stop smoking or reduce the consumption of cigars. The three main types of cigars sold in the United States are large cigars, cigars, and small cigars.

The study suggests that stricter regulations on cigarettes could help reduce cigar consumption, especially smoking, among young black adults. Many of them reported that due to the closure of tobacco stores, they could no longer access large tobacco products as before. Promoting healthy adaptation and cessation of cigarette smoking in a way appropriate to the context can minimize the health consequences of smoking related to COVID-19 and reduce health disparities among young black adults. The study advocates promoting healthy and context-appropriate survival strategies and quitting cigars, as well as local tobacco regulations aimed at increasing minimum prices and reducing the widespread sale of cigarettes in black communities.