The Psychological Benefits of Women Cigar Smoking

Cigar smoking has been found to have low levels of dependence, and can even alleviate withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Studies have shown that smokers of large cigars tend to smoke for longer and consume more tobacco than those who smoke small cigarettes. Data from the CPS-I study did not reveal an increased risk of death from stroke in primary or secondary cigar smokers, regardless of the amount of cigars smoked per day or the depth of inhalation. In addition, while most participants reported having cravings for pure smoking, which is a notable symptom of cigar addiction, only a few reported self-addiction.

Smoking cigars has been found to significantly reduce QSU-B and MNWS scores, suggesting that smoking cigars provides some benefit by reducing negative symptoms associated with withdrawal. Research with a detailed evaluation of the consumption patterns of premium and non-premium cigars, including inhalation behaviors, in epidemiological studies of dependency would provide useful information on the inherent addiction to smoking products. Multiple regression was used to examine the stratification group and control other stratifications. A previous report suggests that secondary cigar smokers may be more likely to inhale tobacco smoke because of their history of inhaling cigarette smoke. This is one of the first studies to explore smoking-related cravings, triggers, and addiction among young black people who smoke cigars.

These efforts can help increase the quest to quit smoking and reduce the health consequences related to cigarette addiction and disparities among black populations. It is possible that, since the components emitted by premium cigars are similar to the components of other tobacco products, the health risk may be the same, but the extent of passive exposure to premium cigars is unknown. This section provides an overview of the evidence from epidemiological studies that examined the risk of all-cause mortality between primary smoking (exclusive smoking with no history of consumption of other types of combustible tobacco) and secondary smoking (current exclusive consumption of cigars with a history of using other combustible tobacco products).